Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"To see with eyes unclouded by hate"

This week, I've seen political TV that feature these visions (among others):

• crocodiles devouring wildebeasts
• shapeless ghouls with cartoon white eyes
• graphic descriptions of children being immolated by "ferners"
• descriptions of babies being ripped from wombs

Is the world really this way, or is it just where some people live in their minds? I know it can be bad in places, but this bad? Really?

There is a tremendous anime film by the Japanese master Miyazaki called "Princess Mononoke". The film's male lead, Prince Ashitaka, fights off a demon consumed by (literally) blind fear and hatred to protect a village. In the process he is touched by the demon, and the contact point grows until it imperils his life. At a point later in the film, he reveals his arm to a crowd, saying,

"Look, everyone! This is what hatred looks like! This is what it does when it catches hold of you! It's eating me alive and very soon now it will kill me. Fear and anger only make it grow faster."

And yet, he travels to find a cure, with the conviction:

"To see with eyes unclouded by hate"

...because he knows hatred will consume him.

Were it that everyone could have this realization this in their lives. Consumers of hate will themselves be consumed. It is indeed an apocalyptic vision, one that the purveyors of hate and fear messages may not understand in their rush to power.

Let us join together in fellowship and common cause to defeat this demon of hate within ourselves.

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