Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Give and Take

Stop being angry for a few moments today. Tear yourself away from the world, and all its ways to distract you. Figure out what you have, and be thankful. And consider these questions -

Are you able to feed and cloth your family?
Can you keep a roof over their heads?
Are they clean and safe?

What do you value more?
-- family
-- possessions
-- lifestyle
-- the well-being of the community
-- self expression
-- ...

The point I'm trying to make is that so many of the things we worry about have nothing to do with what is really important. We live in a country that is blessed with such an embarrassment of riches, we don't even realize it. We can achieve great success in this country, both individually and collectively.

But some don't reach that threshold of success. There are many ways people and families can fall, and it's not always because they lack some essential skill or ability.

My upbringing doesn't allow me to kick people when they're down.

Do you know someone how can't take care of their family? Maybe you should. Maybe then you will stop and consider your order of priorities.

If you'd read this far, I must apologize to you if you are angry. Whenever you ask people to be considerate of others, normally they seem to get really defensive at first. They will put up a defense or try to cut down others as not worthy.

I've found that when people put up a hard argument that someone else is lacking in some manner, they themselves have thought about it and consider it a weakness of their own. In other words, it can sometimes cut too close to home.

I include myself in this. Therefore, I am exposing with this blog that I feel I could help others more. I am trying, and am learning how to do this.

It's hard to give when the whole of our system is commanding you to take.


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