Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Latest Tragedy

Well, I really don't want to have anything to say about the latest tragedy.

Actually I do want to say something. Everyone's trying to find out, collectively, who did it, why they did it, and what to do about it. Everyone is going to project their own agendas into this event, and use it to forward their own ideas. (I am struggling not to do that here.)

But here is my attempt to say something about the tragedy - aside from that it was evil, heinous, et.al. It's perfectly natural that we, as storytellers and listeners of stories, want to cloke a horrendous act with a comfortably familiar narrative. It keeps us at arm's distance from our mortality.

But we are mortal. and we have choices as to how we deal with events of this magnitude. And it is my wish that we make some good come from this:
  • Live life boldly. Don't shrivel up in a corner and give up.
  • Help others come to grips with this event, and try to steer them into productive - not vindictive - outlets for their feelings.
  • This is time for soul-searching, not finger-pointing. Rampages and inflammatory rhetoric just spread the evil fallout further downwind.
Please let reason and grace inform your actions in the coming days. Peace.

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