Saturday, March 21, 2015

"I have faith in the future" - a letter in support for our local school improvement millage vote

We all want the best for our kids. I think that is a given.  But some people will not help kids because they are afraid of the future.

There are people  in this world whose only apparent job is to make people afraid. There are people that will tell you that all teachers, all policemen, all judges, all people of authority and many established institutions  are crooked and not worthy of our help and support. They seem intent on making  you want to trust no one, not even yourself.

It’s hard to keep faith living in such a world. I struggle with my faith sometimes. I struggle in this world to keep my head above water. But I do know that when I feel fear and confusion, I cannot do my best to see the better angels in people. And I want to travel my life’s path feeling that I've done all I can to help others along the way, to try & do good while I’m here.

I want to do well by our kids. I think most people do. But people can get sidetracked by fear and confusion, and forget that lessons learned in childhood can last a lifetime. I want kids to learn lessons in schools that will help them become confident, open-minded, heartfelt adults that can think and reason and fend for themselves in a world that seems intent on blinding them to the beauty that is out there.  I believe that our community needs to band together and help our school system - to help our kids learn the good lessons that school can provide - by giving them a safe environment for learning. That’s why I’ve decided to vote in favor of the 2015 Hastings Area Schools Bond Proposal on May 5th.

I have written before about the volunteer work I do at the schools. I walk down the hallways and see rooms that are 40+ years worn. I have seen cracked plumbing, falling plaster, broken ceiling tiles, broken floor tiles, electrical systems loose and overloaded; choir risers collapse. I have been in classrooms smelling of septic and dead animals.  The heating systems are overworked and in dire need of repair.  School entrance security is practically non-existent, and  needs to be secured to 2015, not 1955, standards.

For decades, the school system has had award-winning musical programs -the envy of schools across the region - and we play our concerts in the gym and our plays and musicals in an 80-year-old auditorium.  A Fine Arts Center would finally give these programs the venue they so richly deserve. With this, and the upgrades to the schools, we would be able to hold band and vocal district competitions, and serve as a prime venue for events such as the Jazz Festival and Summer fest concerts.  I have played in some of the theaters in other area schools that have beautiful theaters. Those communities reap incredible benefits hosting concerts and community events. One credible benefit is that good schools will attract good families, and good families can help make good communities.

 If you haven’t really looked at our schools in awhile, you might not understand the depth of our need.  Maybe you think that in this age of entitlement, kids just don’t deserve good schools – they should be happy with what they have. Maybe you feel you pay enough already.
One of the hardest things to do is to have faith in the future, when there are so many voices out there enticing us to be cynical and sour.

That’s why we need to lift up the kids. They carry our hopes and aspirations, our faith in the future. We  now have an opportunity to help them.  They don’t need the world on a silver platter, but they do need safe, modern schools, so in that fleeting childhood-to-young-adulthood time, they will have a chance to do good. Let’s give them the best chance to succeed – the same kind of chance we were given.

I’m voting for the May 5th millage to improve our schools and help our kids. I have faith in the future.

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