Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A Prayer to My Grandaughter

My Dear One,

I may never see you grow to maturity. There is no guarantee at this moment that I will ever see you again. I would like to leave you with these thoughts.

Be kind.
Do not learn to hate or to judge.
Forgive us for the mistakes we made. We can't foresee all the consequences we make when we decide to engage in life.
Trust goodness.
Love music, and art, and all things that resonate with your character. Dive deep into them. Make them affirm your life.
Trust your mother and your father.
Love with all your heart.
Sometimes hearts can break. It doesn't seem like it at the time, but you will get eventually get over it.
Relationships are complex, but they can be the best thing in this world. Accept the consequences of your actions, or inactions. You can only do what you can.
There are hard truths you may have to learn. It is all right to have regrets, so long as you learn from them.
Reach out for help if you need it. Do not keep your troubles buried within yourself, at least for long. You have permission to think about them, but once you have figured out what you want to do about them, release them.
Remember that you are loved through countless generations of your ancestors.
Remember I love you.